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February Staff Spotlight 2024


mara Mattingly joined the recruiting team in September 2023 and hit the ground running. In her time here, Amara has shown unmatched dedication. Her ability to adapt and overcome challenges makes her an invaluable asset to the recruiting team. She is willing to take on anything asked of her and does with a smile.When did you start at OnPoint?
September 2023

How would you summarize what you do?
Recruit and maintain positive relationships with servicers in our network and dispatch service calls to fulfill warranty claims.

Can you tell us a few details about your favorite part of the job?
I really enjoy the independence and self-reliance/self-motivation of the job, while also having a great team and supervisors for support when necessary.

What do you like about OnPoint's company culture?
It's a supportive, thoughtful environment that recognizes and values hard work.

Tell us the most significant project you’ve handled and how it has impacted our company.
Contributed to a crucial project aimed at enhancing the seamless onboarding of a new client by meticulously reviewing numerous incomplete claims inherited from the previous company. Through proactive outreach to former servicers, I successfully reestablished and nurtured relationships to integrate them into our service network.

Who inspires you the most within our organization?
My supervisors Todd & Ryan - they both consistently "walk the walk" when it comes to working hard and knowing their stuff, as well as providing constant support for the team.
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Where are you from?
I'm local! Louisville, KY
Where did you go to high school/college? 
Louisville Male High School, South University (Bachelor's in Psychology completed, Masters in Human Resources in progress)
What do you do for fun?
I love to play video games, read, write, and spend time with my dog and partner, as well as take the time to travel and explore and hike or kayak when I can!

What is your favorite show on Netflix (or other streaming service)?
Always changing, but right now it's Blue-Eyed Samurai

 Rapid Fire round:

  • Pizza or tacos? Pizza
  • Vacation preference - Beach or mountains. Mountains
  • Cats or dogs? Dogs
  • Favorite season? Autumn
  • Morning or evening? Evening
  • Salty or sweet? Sweet

Katie Hagan

Katie Hagan has worked as a marketing professional for more than six years. She's focused on driving business growth with strategic thinking and innovative skills. Katie's extensive experience ensures that every campaign she leads achieves meaningful results.

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