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OnPoint Warranty provides extended warranty products for retail and e-tailers which drive more revenue at the point of sale. Our extended, while building long-term recurring revenue. Our extended warranty plans are designed to be sold through every consumer touchpoint, from traditional brick and mortar to eCommerce sites, while delivering excellent post-purchase warranty services.


Retailer & E-Tailer Benefits

  • Insurer backed warranty underwriting solutions for in-house brands which reduce risk and control warranty costs
  • Extended warranty and service contract programs, for every brand, which create value for your consumers at the POS and beyond, providing additional long-term revenue streams through intelligently derived renewals and upsell programs
  • Omnichannel consumer technology which streamlines product registration, contract purchases and renewals as well as service requests and status updates
  • Robust service administration technology which delivers better customer experiences, controls service costs and reduces fraud
  • An expertly managed, global service provider network which delivers consistently great service experiences

We are your front-end insuretech solution!

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